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  • Writer's pictureWatson

Five Spice Shrimp

Updated: Jan 17, 2021

This is one of my mom’s killer recipes. It takes literally less than 5 minutes to prepare and less than 10 minutes to cook!

(Wait, does that mean she is even lazier than me, or I’ve only learned the laziest cooking from her?)

Of course it might take even less time to eat up all the delicious shrimp, esp. if you happen to own several eating machines like I do...nevertheless, it’s such an easy recipe to scale up and it’ll take pretty much the same amount of time to cook. So why not cook a big batch?


  • 1.5 LB Shrimp, shell on and deveined

  • 2~3 stalks green onion

  • (Optional) 2~3 pieces ginger

  • 2 star anise

  • 1 ½ teaspoons salt

  • 2 tablespoons cooking oil

  • 2 tablespoons water


  1. Chop the white stems of the green onions into big pieces, and dice the green leafy part into small pieces for garnishing.

  2. Use medium high heat to heat up the cooking oil in a frying pan, into the pan, add green onion stems, ginger if preferred, star anise, then shrimp.

  3. Cook the shrimp for 1~2 minutes on each side until all the shrimp turns pink.

  4. Add salt, stir fry to season the shrimp evenly, this takes about a minute.

  5. Add 2 tablespoons water, and cook for another minute. Garnish with the diced green onions and serve!

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